Source code for desdeo_tools.interaction.request

from typing import Callable, List, Union

import pandas as pd

from desdeo_tools.interaction.validators import validate_ref_point_with_ideal_and_nadir
from desdeo_tools.utils.frozen import FrozenClass

class RequestError(Exception):
    """Raised when an error related to the Request class is encountered.

class BaseRequest(FrozenClass):
    """The base class for all Request classes. Request classes are to be used 
    to handle interaction between the user and the methods, as well as within
    various methods. This class is frozen, so no variables other than that
    already defined in current __init__ can be defined in derived classes.
    def __init__(
        request_type: str,
        interaction_priority: str,
        request_id: int = None,
        """Initialize a BaseRequest class. This method contains a lot of

            request_type (str): The type of request. Currently, one of ["print",
            "simple_plot", "reference_point_preference",
            interaction_priority (str): The priority of preference, as decided
            by the method. One of ["no_interaction", "not_required",
            "recommended", "required"], with trivial meanings.
            content ([type], optional): The data relevant to the request packet.
            For example, if the request type is print, content may contain
            strings to be printed. Typically a dict. Defaults to None.
            request_id (int, optional): A unique identifier. Defaults to None.

            RequestError: If request type is not recognized
            RequestError: If request priority is not recognized
            RequestError: If request id is not an integer
        acceptable_types = [
        priority_types = ["no_interaction", "not_required", "recommended", "required"]
        if request_type not in acceptable_types:
            msg = f"Request type should be one of {acceptable_types}"
            raise RequestError(msg)
        if interaction_priority not in priority_types:
            msg = f"Request priority should be one of {priority_types}"
            raise RequestError(msg)
        if not isinstance(request_id, (int, type(None))):
            msg = "Request id should be int or None"
            raise RequestError(msg)
        # Attributes
        self._request_type: str = request_type
        self._interaction_priority: str = interaction_priority  # Example: one of:
        self._request_id: int = request_id  # Some random number as id
        self._content = content
        self._response = None
        #  Freezing this class

    def request_type(self):
        return self._request_type

    def interaction_priority(self):
        return self._interaction_priority

    def request_id(self):
        return self._request_id

    def content(self):
        return self._content

    def response(self):
        return self._response

    def response(self):
        # Code to validate the response

[docs]class PrintRequest(BaseRequest): """Methods can use this request class to send out textual information to be displayed to the decision maker. This could be a single message in the form of a string, or multiple messages in a list of strings. The method of displaying these messages is left to the UI. """ def __init__(self, message: Union[str, List[str]], request_id: int=None): """Initialise the PrintRequest. Args: message (Union[str, List[str]]): A single message (str) or a list of messages to be displayed to the decision maker request_id (int, optional): A unique identifier for this request. Defaults to None. Raises: RequestError: If message is not a str or a list RequestError: If message is a list but one or more elements are not str. """ if not isinstance(message, str): if not isinstance(message, list): msg = ( f"Message/s to be printed should be string or list of strings" f"Message provided is of type: {type(message)}" ) raise RequestError(msg) elif not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in message): msg = ( f"Message/s to be printed should be string or list of strings" f"Some elements of the list are not strings" ) raise RequestError(msg) super().__init__( request_type="print", interaction_priority="no_interaction", content=message, request_id=request_id, )
[docs]class SimplePlotRequest(BaseRequest): """Methods can use this request class to send out some data to be shown to the decision maker (typically in the form of a plot). This data is usually a set of solutions, stored in the content variable of this class. The manner of visualization is left to the UI. content is a dict that contains the following keys: "data" (pandas.DataFrame): The data to be plotted. "dimensional_data" (pandas.Dataframe): The data contained in this key can be used to scale the data to be plotted. "chart_title" (str): A recommended title for the visualization. "message" (Union[str, List[str]]): A message or list of messages to be displayed to the decision maker. """ def __init__( self, data: pd.DataFrame, message: Union[str, List[str]], dimensions_data: pd.DataFrame = None, chart_title: str = None, request_id=None, ): """Initialize the request packet Args: data (pd.DataFrame): The data to be plotted. message (Union[str, List[str]]): A message or list of messages to be displayed to the decision maker. dimensions_data (pd.DataFrame, optional): Data used to used to scale the data to be plotted. Defaults to None. chart_title (str, optional): A recommended title for the visualization. Defaults to None. request_id ([type], optional): A unique identifier. Defaults to None. Raises: RequestError: data is not a pandas DataFrame. RequestError: dimensions_data is not a pandas DataFrame or None. RequestError: A mismatch in the column names of data and dimensions_data. RequestError: If dimensions_data DataFrame contains indices other that "minimize", "ideal", or "nadir". RequestError: If chart_title is not str or None. RequestError: If message is not a str or a list. RequestError: If message is a list but one or more elements are not str. """ acceptable_dimensions_data_indices = [ "minimize", # 1 if minimized, -1 if maximized "ideal", "nadir", ] if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): msg = ( f"Provided data to be plotted should be in a pandas dataframe, with" f"columns names being the same as objective names.\n" f"Provided data is of type: {type(data)}" ) raise RequestError(msg) if not isinstance(dimensions_data, (pd.DataFrame, type(None))): msg = ( f"Dimensional data should be in a pandas dataframe.\n" f"Provided data is of type: {type(dimensions_data)}" ) raise RequestError(msg) if not all(data.columns == dimensions_data.columns): msg = ( f"Mismatch in column names of data and dimensions_data.\n" f"Column names in data: {data.columns}" f"Column names in dimensions_data: {dimensions_data.columns}" ) raise RequestError(msg) rouge_indices = [ index for index in dimensions_data.index if index not in acceptable_dimensions_data_indices ] if rouge_indices: msg = ( f"dimensions_data should only contain the following indices:\n" f"{acceptable_dimensions_data_indices}\n" f"The dataframe provided contains the following unsupported indices:\n" f"{rouge_indices}" ) raise RequestError(msg) if not isinstance(chart_title, (str, type(None))): msg = ( f"Chart title should be a string. Provided chart type is:" f"{type(chart_title)}" ) raise RequestError(msg) if not isinstance(message, str): if not isinstance(message, list): msg = ( f"Message/s to be printed should be string or list of strings" f"Message provided is of type: {type(message)}" ) raise RequestError(msg) elif not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in message): msg = ( f"Message/s to be printed should be string or list of strings" f"Some elements of the list are not strings" ) raise RequestError(msg) content = { "data": data, "dimensions_data": dimensions_data, "chart_title": chart_title, "message": message, } super().__init__( request_type="simple_plot", interaction_priority="no_interaction", content=content, request_id=request_id, )
[docs]class ReferencePointPreference(BaseRequest): """Methods can use this request class to ask the DM to provide their preferences in the form of a reference point. This reference point is validated according to the needs of the method that initializes this class object, before the reference point can be accepted in the response variable. """ def __init__( self, dimensions_data: pd.DataFrame, message: str = None, interaction_priority: str = "required", preference_validator: Callable = None, request_id: int = None, ): """Initialize the request class. Args: dimensions_data (pd.DataFrame): Minimal data that should be shown to the decision maker. If a lot of data needs to be shown (i.e., with a visualization), use SimplePlotRequest or related classes for that purpose, and this class for the interaction with the decision maker. message (str, optional): Message to be displayed to a decision maker. Defaults to None. interaction_priority (str, optional): The importance of the interaction as decided by the method. If equal to "required", the method will not continue without a DM preference. If equal to "recommended", the interaction is recommended, but not required for the continuation of the method. The case "not_required" is similar to "recommended". Defaults to "required". preference_validator (Callable, optional): A callable function that tests whether a reference point provided by the DM is valid or not. Defaults to None. request_id (int, optional): A unique identifier. Defaults to None. Raises: RequestError: dimensions_data is not a pandas DataFrame. RequestError: If dimensions_data DataFrame contains indices other that "minimize", "ideal", or "nadir". RequestError: If message is not a str or a list. RequestError: If message is a list but one or more elements are not str. """ if message is None: message = ( f"Please provide a reference point better than:\n" f"{dimensions_data.loc['nadir'].values.tolist()},\n" f"but worse than:\n" f"{dimensions_data.loc['ideal'].values.tolist()}" ) if preference_validator is None: preference_validator = validate_ref_point_with_ideal_and_nadir acceptable_dimensions_data_indices = [ "minimize", # 1 if minimized, -1 if maximized "ideal", "nadir", ] if not isinstance(dimensions_data, (pd.DataFrame, type(None))): msg = ( f"Dimensional data should be in a pandas dataframe.\n" f"Provided data is of type: {type(dimensions_data)}" ) raise RequestError(msg) rouge_indices = [ index for index in dimensions_data.index if index not in acceptable_dimensions_data_indices ] if rouge_indices: msg = ( f"dimensions_data should only contain the following indices:\n" f"{acceptable_dimensions_data_indices}\n" f"The dataframe provided contains the following unsupported indices:\n" f"{rouge_indices}" ) raise RequestError(msg) if not isinstance(message, str): if not isinstance(message, list): msg = ( f"Message/s to be printed should be string or list of strings" f"Message provided is of type: {type(message)}" ) raise RequestError(msg) elif not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in message): msg = ( f"Message/s to be printed should be string or list of strings" f"Some elements of the list are not strings" ) raise RequestError(msg) content = { "dimensions_data": dimensions_data, "message": message, "validator": preference_validator, } super().__init__( request_type="reference_point_preference", interaction_priority=interaction_priority, content=content, request_id=request_id, ) @BaseRequest.response.setter def response(self, value: pd.DataFrame): """Validate user preference. Accept if it is valid. Args: value (pd.DataFrame): The user preference in the form of a pandas DataFrame Raises: RequestError: If reference point is not provided in a pandas DataFrame. """ if not isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame): msg = "Reference should be provided in a pandas dataframe format" raise RequestError(msg) self.content["validator"]( reference_point=value, dimensions_data=self.content["dimensions_data"] ) self._response = value